Thursday, May 28, 2009


"Do you want some canedE? Or do you just want to do what weedid?

LOOOL! lamo

(4 all those who dont know what that means, and are totally cunfused?... its just a stupid inside joke that you dont really need to know ^_^)


I'm so glad that im not behind in school anymore... You have no idea! Its just such a relief! I started out with 9 subjects, and i only have 2,(alllmmoosst 1) left!!

So i'd just like to congratulate myself..


Saturday, May 16, 2009

CHERISH!! (or other)

Cher, and all others who read my blog, if you cant comment.... Well actually you CAN! press "google account" (that is if you have a google account, if some other account, click your type! ) And then type your comment.. If that doesn't work, then your screwed >:P

Friday, May 15, 2009

Im so exited! We got the guinea pigs!!
(Well... actually, its a little late to post about this, cause its like a week after we got them, but i thought it could still be worth my effort;P) I am writing this as a document on WordPad first, because, when its my turn to go online, i dont want to waste my time on this, when i could be chatting with friends.
So, i got a really long haired guinea pig. His name is snickers.(Named after the chocolate bar of course... what else...?) My little sister, Angelica got one to. He has slick fur, his head is black, his middle is grey, and his end is
white. His name is Oreo. (after the cookie.. ya know. twist, dip, and lick.. heh heh) They are 5.. i mean since we've had them for a
week now, 6 weeks old. Still babies though. They live from 5, to 7 years. I have been doing a lot of research about those guineas!!
Anyhow, I havent posted this blog, cause sue wouldn't up-load the pictures of the guinea pigs that i am going to show you now ;) :

Angelicas guinea pig... Oreo

And mine, Snickers.. Too bad i wasn't able to flip this picture :(

Monday, May 4, 2009

Im getting a (guinea) pig for a pet.....;)

Me and my younger sister Angelice, are getting guinea pigs in a couple of days!! She is gonna get one that has a black head, grey middle, and a white back end.She will name it Oreo. Cute eh? Im gonna get one that has loonngg hair, and he i black, white, orange, grey, and brown.. I have been having trouble figuring out hat i should name him once i get him.... Any suggestions??

PS:PLZZZZ COMMENT!!!(with answers!!!)