Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Albus Dumbledore
This is an abichuary for Albus Persivel Wolfric Brian Dumbldore.
I got him at the pet store in a plaza in my neighbourhood. I was looking at Betta fish in little jars on the lowest shelf. When i saw him i imedietly wanted him.
He was one and a half years old when he died. He was dark shimmery blue, with red spots on lis fins. R.I.P
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Happy Haloween and much much more!!
I haven't posted on my blog for ages!! Haha i almost forgot my password.. Anyways.. Happy (belated) Thanksgiving, and Happy (early) Haloween! And i just wanted to say that i have NOT stopped posting in my blog , and there WILL BE MORE post and they will BE MORE recent too!! <3 <3
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Marineland was verrryyyy fun! I saw some killer / beluga whales.... I actually think that my favorite parts of it were Dragon Mountain, (the rollar coaster), and the Sky Screamer.. On second thought, i think i liked the sky screamer better.. The seat (or vest) was PADDED unalike the roller coaster which oddly enough hurt your lower spin... alooott! Here are some pics :
And the Sky Screamer!!
I think pictures are woth a couple hundred thosand words, so thats the end of my long blog ;)
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
This really weird thing happened, and i feel exposed. Kinda like an outcast person, that lots of people use, and don't care about; Someone who is just kindda part of the crowd...humph.. Im not gonna let that happen anymore! And nessy, you should know what that means.. (hopefully!) And i wish i could have a slpeepover at your haouse. That would be soo much fun.
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
"Do you want some canedE? Or do you just want to do what weedid?
LOOOL! lamo
(4 all those who dont know what that means, and are totally cunfused?... its just a stupid inside joke that you dont really need to know ^_^)
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 11:03 AM 0 comments
I'm so glad that im not behind in school anymore... You have no idea! Its just such a relief! I started out with 9 subjects, and i only have 2,(alllmmoosst 1) left!!
So i'd just like to congratulate myself..
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
CHERISH!! (or other)
Cher, and all others who read my blog, if you cant comment.... Well actually you CAN! press "google account" (that is if you have a google account, if some other account, click your type! ) And then type your comment.. If that doesn't work, then your screwed >:P
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Im so exited! We got the guinea pigs!!
(Well... actually, its a little late to post about this, cause its like a week after we got them, but i thought it could still be worth my effort;P) I am writing this as a document on WordPad first, because, when its my turn to go online, i dont want to waste my time on this, when i could be chatting with friends.
So, i got a really long haired guinea pig. His name is snickers.(Named after the chocolate bar of course... what else...?) My little sister, Angelica got one to. He has slick fur, his head is black, his middle is grey, and his end is
white. His name is Oreo. (after the cookie.. ya know. twist, dip, and lick.. heh heh) They are 5.. i mean since we've had them for a
week now, 6 weeks old. Still babies though. They live from 5, to 7 years. I have been doing a lot of research about those guineas!!
Anyhow, I havent posted this blog, cause sue wouldn't up-load the pictures of the guinea pigs that i am going to show you now ;) :
Angelicas guinea pig... Oreo
And mine, Snickers.. Too bad i wasn't able to flip this picture :(
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Im getting a (guinea) pig for a pet.....;)
Me and my younger sister Angelice, are getting guinea pigs in a couple of days!! She is gonna get one that has a black head, grey middle, and a white back end.She will name it Oreo. Cute eh? Im gonna get one that has loonngg hair, and he i black, white, orange, grey, and brown.. I have been having trouble figuring out hat i should name him once i get him.... Any suggestions??
PS:PLZZZZ COMMENT!!!(with answers!!!)
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Boardoommmm :( :( :(
It is raining. It is rain. It is raining. What else to say?? Technically, thats all that is happening(s) for me... Note to readers : NEVER eat this weird stuff that is in the shape of a sausage, but there is actually semolina in side and you fry it, it tastes DISCUSTIINNNGG!!!!! It made me feel a little (FREAK*** LOT!!)queezie... ugghhh :( :( Its yuckie... Ok... about that, i think you get the point... Im getting a turtle(red eared slider) in 2 days from now **grin, smile** I wonder if i should post some pictures... If i do, they will have NOTHING to do with what im typink.... so On the other hand, i think not... so this will be the end of this blog...Cause your prob. sleeping by now, or maybe you have stopped reading so.. COMMENT!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Lavender Anne Hollingsworth
This blog is in memory of Lavender Anne Hollingsworth. She was a friendly rabbit and my best friend, a true friend. She was 8 1/2 (human) years old, and she had a quick, and painless death. And if you care, please comment. I cant find a picture of her, but as soon as i can, i will post one of her.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
One night, me + sue went out to walk the dogs in the rain. We were walking down Windwood park, and were talking for a bit, so we didn't notice at first, but after a while, im like "omg !!" and there was a foot long, inch thick WORM!! I was terrified and i realized that i was in my slippers.... i was like!!! i cant walk any longer!! and we went home screaming.. i know that wasnt a really exiting story, but whatever ;)......
Morel: If it rains a whole day, and a whole night, and you go for a walk, Dont go in your slippers, cause thats when ALL the worms come out.. i swear, like MILLIONS of them.. so yeah... Learn from my mistake :)
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Today we played soccer. Only 6 of us, but it was still fun. After we played a game of soccer, we were all withering away from the heat and no water. So one, or two of us went to get some. When they came back, like.... er..3 or 4 of us played ... I forget what its called ... Might have been "keep up" or smt?...
Heres a picture of me playing ... lets just call it "keep up" k?
and i lost...Yes, i was the looooooooooser.. :( but it was still loads of fun.
It was sooo hot! like 20 degrees anyways... i had fun!
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Just Pictures
Ok.. here are a few pictures that i just wanted to post :) Some of them i photo shopped, and some of them are just... Downloaded from websites and stuff...
This one is of celeste. Celeste, you can copy / paste it if you want..
This one is super cute no? theres like a random chipmunk?!?...lmao
And this one is... hmm.. what do you think???
And i think thats pretty much it...
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
BLAH! Its Easter holidays,. and i'm sick. Sue, Angelica, Mom, and Ed, are out to the park for 2 1/2 hours, and im bord to death!!! Thankfully they took the yapper though! OMG if they didnt.... Well everyone who is reading this (if anyone) will probably be board to death, cause i am, and im writing it. :P Sigh... They canceled the fellowship for this friday cause there was supposed to be bad weather or smt, but its just a little crisp out, and id rather be at a fellowship, then boring you with this! Anyways.... Yeah HAPPPPPY EAAASTEEER... Ok now, Sylvia, Now your just getting wierd!!MAN! im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
...just... ARG!! Ok... I'll post some pictures to entertain you then... Heres a picture of my puppy... HEH
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sneaky Sneak
Sneaky Sneak ~
It was sooo fun,when I came for the market.Me, Celeste, and Katrina were playing sneaky sneak around the house. First, we
ran down the stairs, to the entrance, then we crossed the entrance, to the basement. We talked for a bit, until Celeste's older brother
came down, and we didn't have a chance of all three of us staying in the game without at least one of us being spotted. So, we ran up the stairs again, and quickley ran into the dark laundry room. First me, then Celeste, then Katrina, all rushed into the room,and behind
the door. I thought we were safe until.... Vincent came around the laundry room door, from doing dishes, and said"You guys are SO
stupid!" I was like ...Heh. "Uh yeah, I know we are quite stupid arn't we.Aww.. he dosn't count!" (Note from the editer: Hmm..I have NO IDEA why i am posting this!?)
So, then we snuck upstairs to outside the door of the teen's room. Suddenly, the door opened, and there stood Jamie. Celeste"Uhh..
he dosn't count does he? Katrina"No. :D" So we peaked our heads onto the teen's room, and there were three other people inside of it.
"They dont count!" So we snuck into the girls room, and there stood our target. Angelica, Aime, and Lizzy!"Err.. You guys, I think that
counted." So I guess, in the end, we all lost. Heh..(even though I thought that Katrina won, Celeste 2nd place, and me....I lost.. but that is bedies the piont) Umm.. it kindda sucks that I dont have any pictures of this special occasion :)
Ya.. er.. I love playing sneaky sneak.. Jenny, u should join us sometime. eeee
Ok... you all probably think im a freak (besides the ones who were there) so... please dont judge me by my posts:D
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Kid "You Know Who"
I have known Celeste for ..Um.. Basicly, since I was 2 or 3, and she is a great friend! And I probably know almost everything
about her.. But thats beside the point! I was feeling kindda glum, the day after my 12th birthday, cause nobody had called,
(No b-day calls?Pretty sad!) and then the phone rings, Sue pickes it up, and its for me. What a surprise! Its Celeste! I knew you'd
come through for me, and thats why I chose to be your best friend..Well... I didn't really choose...umm.. Heh. Well thanks for that!
And i think that pretty much concludes The Documentary About Celeste. Oh, and Cel, dont worry. Your not really the kid
"you know who"(not that you know what that is or anything..Now that I come to think of it, Laura and sue would know..)
Anyways.. love ya!
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 2:52 PM 0 comments
The Family Birthday:)
The Family Birthday:)
The family birthday was pretty fun. Well.. I think it was kindda boring for some people.
But overall, I thought it was the best one yet! There was yummy food,
EVERYONE (i guess.. missing 2 people)in the area was there,
And none of us were sick, so we could all go!
Oh yeah, and Celeste, by the way, I thought your dress was really pretty! And I want it.:D
Heh, only kidding. You looked really nice. And I forgive you for running off with SOMEONE I KNOW
**cough cough** quite a few times.
I danced alot with Nessy, who very volintary, saved me from dancing with --BEEP--.(Snicker snicker)
We danced like ALOT, and Nessy, I hope that one day, we will both learn the proper way to dance the salsa like Pheobe, and Solomon.:D
Anyways... Hope Nessy + Celestie had loads of fun, as I did.
Oh yeah.. and Celeste, by the way, when I come to think of it,Our plan worked!
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 2:36 PM 0 comments