Sneaky Sneak ~
It was sooo fun,when I came for the market.Me, Celeste, and Katrina were playing sneaky sneak around the house. First, we
ran down the stairs, to the entrance, then we crossed the entrance, to the basement. We talked for a bit, until Celeste's older brother
came down, and we didn't have a chance of all three of us staying in the game without at least one of us being spotted. So, we ran up the stairs again, and quickley ran into the dark laundry room. First me, then Celeste, then Katrina, all rushed into the room,and behind
the door. I thought we were safe until.... Vincent came around the laundry room door, from doing dishes, and said"You guys are SO
stupid!" I was like ...Heh. "Uh yeah, I know we are quite stupid arn't we.Aww.. he dosn't count!" (Note from the editer: Hmm..I have NO IDEA why i am posting this!?)
So, then we snuck upstairs to outside the door of the teen's room. Suddenly, the door opened, and there stood Jamie. Celeste"Uhh..
he dosn't count does he? Katrina"No. :D" So we peaked our heads onto the teen's room, and there were three other people inside of it.
"They dont count!" So we snuck into the girls room, and there stood our target. Angelica, Aime, and Lizzy!"Err.. You guys, I think that
counted." So I guess, in the end, we all lost. Heh..(even though I thought that Katrina won, Celeste 2nd place, and me....I lost.. but that is bedies the piont) Umm.. it kindda sucks that I dont have any pictures of this special occasion :)
Ya.. er.. I love playing sneaky sneak.. Jenny, u should join us sometime. eeee
Ok... you all probably think im a freak (besides the ones who were there) so... please dont judge me by my posts:D
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sneaky Sneak
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Kid "You Know Who"
I have known Celeste for ..Um.. Basicly, since I was 2 or 3, and she is a great friend! And I probably know almost everything
about her.. But thats beside the point! I was feeling kindda glum, the day after my 12th birthday, cause nobody had called,
(No b-day calls?Pretty sad!) and then the phone rings, Sue pickes it up, and its for me. What a surprise! Its Celeste! I knew you'd
come through for me, and thats why I chose to be your best friend..Well... I didn't really choose...umm.. Heh. Well thanks for that!
And i think that pretty much concludes The Documentary About Celeste. Oh, and Cel, dont worry. Your not really the kid
"you know who"(not that you know what that is or anything..Now that I come to think of it, Laura and sue would know..)
Anyways.. love ya!
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 2:52 PM 0 comments
The Family Birthday:)
The Family Birthday:)
The family birthday was pretty fun. Well.. I think it was kindda boring for some people.
But overall, I thought it was the best one yet! There was yummy food,
EVERYONE (i guess.. missing 2 people)in the area was there,
And none of us were sick, so we could all go!
Oh yeah, and Celeste, by the way, I thought your dress was really pretty! And I want it.:D
Heh, only kidding. You looked really nice. And I forgive you for running off with SOMEONE I KNOW
**cough cough** quite a few times.
I danced alot with Nessy, who very volintary, saved me from dancing with --BEEP--.(Snicker snicker)
We danced like ALOT, and Nessy, I hope that one day, we will both learn the proper way to dance the salsa like Pheobe, and Solomon.:D
Anyways... Hope Nessy + Celestie had loads of fun, as I did.
Oh yeah.. and Celeste, by the way, when I come to think of it,Our plan worked!
Posted by Sylvie Heather at 2:36 PM 0 comments